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pécsi warhammer közösség
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 Introduction - who we are and what we do

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6 posters

Férfi Hozzászólások száma : 1020
Location : az ellentétes állásponton
Registration date : 2008. Dec. 05.

Introduction - who we are and what we do Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: Introduction - who we are and what we do   Introduction - who we are and what we do EmptyPént. Dec. 06, 2013 9:53 pm

I think you where at the right spot. on the south side of the street, the grey-green flat is the club. probably nobody was there, that's why you didn't find it. tomorrow afternoon there will be there somebody from 4pm I think.


Dragearen írta:
YKoS írta:

I don't know if anybody is playing FoW in Pécs. Usually it's saturday afternoon the clubday. You can find more info on facebook:
Thanks for the link!  Unfortunately, I don't have a Facebook, but I did go to the address that was on the page (Alkotmany Utca 45) and all I found was flats.  Did I get the wrong address, or is it one of the flats there?
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Hozzászólások száma : 2
Registration date : 2013. Dec. 03.

Introduction - who we are and what we do Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: Introduction - who we are and what we do   Introduction - who we are and what we do EmptySzer. Dec. 04, 2013 6:43 pm

YKoS írta:

I don't know if anybody is playing FoW in Pécs. Usually it's saturday afternoon the clubday. You can find more info on facebook:
Thanks for the link!  Unfortunately, I don't have a Facebook, but I did go to the address that was on the page (Alkotmany Utca 45) and all I found was flats.  Did I get the wrong address, or is it one of the flats there?
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Férfi Hozzászólások száma : 1020
Location : az ellentétes állásponton
Registration date : 2008. Dec. 05.

Introduction - who we are and what we do Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: Introduction - who we are and what we do   Introduction - who we are and what we do EmptyKedd Dec. 03, 2013 3:12 pm


I don't know if anybody is playing FoW in Pécs. Usually it's saturday afternoon the clubday. You can find more info on facebook:

Dragearen írta:
Do you guys play any Flames of War at all?  And when do you normally play?  I just got into Pecs, and while I don't have any models with me, I would love to watch and/or play some games.  I also know both kinds of Warhammer, though I haven't played in over a year so I'm a bit rusty on the rules.
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Hozzászólások száma : 2
Registration date : 2013. Dec. 03.

Introduction - who we are and what we do Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: Introduction - who we are and what we do   Introduction - who we are and what we do EmptyKedd Dec. 03, 2013 2:39 pm

Do you guys play any Flames of War at all? And when do you normally play? I just got into Pecs, and while I don't have any models with me, I would love to watch and/or play some games. I also know both kinds of Warhammer, though I haven't played in over a year so I'm a bit rusty on the rules.
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Férfi Hozzászólások száma : 1020
Location : az ellentétes állásponton
Registration date : 2008. Dec. 05.

Introduction - who we are and what we do Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: Introduction - who we are and what we do   Introduction - who we are and what we do EmptyHétf. Aug. 31, 2009 11:26 am

I thought france is a sauce Suspect Wink
Btw: do you have any confrontation minis? I love you
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Férfi Hozzászólások száma : 1694
Age : 44
Location : Pécs
Registration date : 2007. Dec. 11.

Introduction - who we are and what we do Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: Introduction - who we are and what we do   Introduction - who we are and what we do EmptyVas. Aug. 30, 2009 10:02 pm

Idézet :
Do you often organize battles in pécs ?

at least once in a week, mostly on saturday or sanday, we have a "games day", where we play on 2 or 3 tables. here in pécs the fantasy is more popular than 40k, so you can see mostly fantasy games, if you want. anyway, there are greens in old world too... igenork who (which?) are very succesfull around here, by the way... verork
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Hozzászólások száma : 2
Registration date : 2009. Aug. 30.

Introduction - who we are and what we do Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: Introduction - who we are and what we do   Introduction - who we are and what we do EmptyVas. Aug. 30, 2009 9:34 pm

thanks for the answer, i'll then soon have a look there. It's close to the "Alliance Française" by the way, if you would like to improve your french knowledge (even if what you know are the most usefull I guess Very Happy)

Do you often organize battles in pécs ? If yes then I would perhaps like to join to look one, once. It would remained me of the good memories with my Orks army of W40k.
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Master Jedi
Master Jedi

Férfi Hozzászólások száma : 983
Age : 116
Registration date : 2007. Dec. 12.

Introduction - who we are and what we do Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: Introduction - who we are and what we do   Introduction - who we are and what we do EmptyVas. Aug. 30, 2009 8:55 pm

Hi Maculatus,

unfortunately, our knowledge of French is limited to "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi (ce soir)?" and "je t'aime". Which is definately not enough to write an intro, at least not for this site. Smile

As for shops: you can buy GW-related products in Római udvar(square), you can enter the from either Teréz street or Jókai street.

Hope this helps!
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Hozzászólások száma : 2
Registration date : 2009. Aug. 30.

Introduction - who we are and what we do Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: Introduction - who we are and what we do   Introduction - who we are and what we do EmptyVas. Aug. 30, 2009 7:13 pm

Hello, hello,

nice to think at the foreigners living in pécs, just sad there ar no french translation Very Happy

Actually i am not playing anymore but just for my information and to have a look I would like to know if there were any shop in pécs to buy some games workshop things ?

Thanks in advance for answering.
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Férfi Hozzászólások száma : 1328
Age : 42
Location : Over the rainbow
Registration date : 2008. Apr. 14.

Introduction - who we are and what we do Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Introduction - who we are and what we do   Introduction - who we are and what we do EmptyHétf. Márc. 23, 2009 3:28 pm

Dear Visitor,

First of all, let me welcome you on our message board!

We are a community of players interested in different tabletop strategy games. Our hometown is Pécs (South-West Hungary), where most of our players live.

The most preferred games in the community are
- Warhammer Fantasy
- Warhammer 40k
- Blood Bowl,
but there are other games we play.

If you are interested in our events or just want to find a way to contact us to join for a game while spending a great weekend in our beloved town, don't hesitate to write a few words here, so we can aid you further.
You may also visit our homepage, but note that it's in Hungarian (for now).

Best wishes,
Members of Ordo Bellatores Sophianae


Liebe(r) BesucherIn!

Als erstes sei herzlich willkommen auf unseren Forum!

Wir sind ein Gesellschaft von Spielern die sich für Table Top Strategie Spiele interessieren. Unsere Heimatstadt ist Pécs (Süd-West Ungarn), wo meisten von unseren Spielern leben.

Unsere meist gespielte Spiele sind
- Warhammer Fantasy
- Warhammer 40K
- Blood Bowl,
obwohl andere Spiele werden auch gespielt.

Wenn du von unseren Events wissen möchtest oder einfach Kontakt zu uns brauchst um dein Wochenende in unserer wunderschönen Stadt mit ein Spiel zu ausgänzen, freuen wir uns wenn du schreibst und wir dich weiterhelfen können.
Unser Homepage kannst du auch anschauen, aber es ist (zur Zeit) auf Ungarisch.

Freundlichen Grüßen:
Mitgliedern der Ordo Bellatores Sophianae

A hozzászólást Bm összesen 1 alkalommal szerkesztette, legutóbb Kedd Jan. 19, 2010 4:33 pm-kor.
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Introduction - who we are and what we do Empty
TémanyitásTárgy: Re: Introduction - who we are and what we do   Introduction - who we are and what we do Empty

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Introduction - who we are and what we do
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